rsandifo at gcc dot <rsandifo at gcc dot> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |jason at gcc dot

--- Comment #3 from rsandifo at gcc dot <rsandifo at gcc dot> 
Hmm, yeah.  Before the patch we silently accepted the code
and generated an unconditional trap for a null dereference,
which doesn't sound right either.  This is because we used
to fold the dummy object pointer (represented using an
INTEGER_CST with void_type) into a normal null pointer.

Where should this be trapped?  The error for accessing
a non-static data member is suppressed for sizeof,
and obviously needs to be for sizeof(S::m):

  /* DR 613/850: Can use non-static data members without an associated
     object in sizeof/decltype/alignof.  */
  if (is_dummy_object (object) && cp_unevaluated_operand == 0
      && (!processing_template_decl || !current_class_ref))

A see-one-play-one fix would be to force cp_unevaluated_operand
to zero while parsing an array dimension, on the basis that the
dimension should either be constant (standard C++) or can be
evaluated (GNU VLAs).  That feels really hackish though...

Should we instead trap this during gimplification?  But then
that would probably make:


valid, which doesn't sound right either.

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