Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia <jeremyhu at macports dot org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |jeremyhu at macports dot org

--- Comment #12 from Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia <jeremyhu at macports dot org> 
> perhaps Apple decided to ignore the report?
No.  We fix these issues when they're reported.

In the future, please file radars for these problems and ping me directly if
you want.  Issues in macOS headers don't get fixed if we don't know about them,
and I'd prefer to fix the SDK itself than have GCC use fixup hacks.

The __has_builtin() usage in Availability.h and TargetConditionals.h was
reported to me by Homebrew shortly after beta 1 and we fixed it internally
within a couple hours, landing it in a future beta.  We very much care about
the quality of the SDK, and if you run into issues, I'm more than happy to
champion them myself to avoid hacks like this in toolchains.

The __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING issue still exists in the GM SDK as it was never
reported to Apple AFAIK.  I've filed a radar now to track it:

> <mach-o/dyld.h> unconditionally uses the availability attribute.

I'm not seeing that in the shipped SDK.  Perhaps it was filed by someone and
addressed.  If it's still an issue that I'm just not seeing, please file a

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