--- Comment #14 from rguenther at suse dot de <rguenther at suse dot de> ---
On February 12, 2019 9:40:46 AM GMT+01:00, "tkoenig at gcc dot"
<> wrote:
>Thomas Koenig <tkoenig at gcc dot> changed:
>           What    |Removed                     |Added
>             CC|                            |rguenth at gcc dot
>--- Comment #13 from Thomas Koenig <tkoenig at gcc dot> ---
>Thanks for the analysis (and the patch).  Now for the
>interesting question, what to do with it...
>On the one hand, we must avoid at all costs is to break
>compatibility with pre-compiled libraries, at least while
>we do not change the ABI for another reason.
>On the other hand, this is quit a serious bug, which especially
>affects old Fortran codes.
>At least the problem is on the caller side, which means that
>we could fix the caller without affecting the callee.
>So, what are the options?
>After checking if the patch from comment #12 does the right
>thing (which I don't know), we could
>a) apply it globally, after checking that it does not break
>   binary compatibility on all relevant platforms (quite risky
>   for stage 4, I think)
>b) apply it #ifdefed for POWER
>I think both options would need an OK from a release manager due
>to us being in stage 4 (plus from a POWER maintainer for option b)
>Or we could defer this to gcc 10, but I would prefer for this bug
>to be fixed sooner rather than later.

I haven't checked the details of the incorrectness of the function decl or its
type. Given the error is on the caller side only the chances of breakage are
low. Still I would suggest to fix on trunk only for now and skip the imminent
8.3 to allow for fallout to pop up.


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