Libavius <daraja at web dot de> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |daraja at web dot de

--- Comment #4 from Libavius <daraja at web dot de> ---
I got a bug, which I think is related to the one described here and wanted to
avoid opening another bug report.

I tried my best to build a small minimal example (see bottom). It compiles with
all compilers I tried. However with gfortran 6.3.1, gfortran 7.3.1 and gfortran
8.1.0 it does not produce the wanted result (see test.f90).
With gfortran 4.8.5, nag 6.2 and intel 18.0.3 it runs as expected.
I carried out all tests on CentOS 7.4 and Ubuntu 16.04.

With a debugger, I could see: in test.f90, F%get() is called (line 8), the
program then moves into child_get() in module2.f90 (line 35) as it should.
However, stepping into this%calc() (line 39), it moves to child_reset() in
module1.f90 (line 31) instead of child2_calc() in module2.f90 (line 15).

There are two ways to get this program to work, which are both quite weird:
1. remove "non_overridable" from line 14 in module1.f90
old: procedure, pass, non_overridable :: get => child_get
new: procedure, pass :: get => child_get

2. merge module1 and module2 into one module.

module module1
    implicit none
    public :: child

    type, abstract :: parent
        procedure, pass :: reset => parent_reset
    end type parent

    type, extends(parent), abstract :: child
        procedure, pass, non_overridable :: reset => child_reset
        procedure, pass, non_overridable :: get => child_get
        procedure(calc_i), pass, deferred :: calc
    end type child

    abstract interface
        pure function calc_i(this) result(value)
            import :: child
            class(child), intent(in) :: this
            integer                 :: value
        end function calc_i
    end interface

    pure subroutine parent_reset(this)
        class(parent), intent(inout) :: this
    end subroutine parent_reset

    pure subroutine child_reset(this)
        class(child), intent(inout) :: this
    end subroutine child_reset

    function child_get(this) result(value)
        class(child), intent(inout) :: this
        integer                   :: value

        value = this%calc()
    end function child_get
end module module1

module module2
    use module1, only: child

    implicit none
    public :: child2

    type, extends(child) :: child2
        procedure, pass :: calc => child2_calc
    end type child2


    pure function child2_calc(this) result(value)
        class(child2), intent(in) :: this
        integer :: value

        value = 1
    end function child2_calc

end module module2

program test
    use module2, only: child2

    implicit none

    type(child2) :: F

    if (F%get() /= 1) stop ': FAILED'

end program test

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