Bug ID: 87233
           Summary: Constraint C1279 still followed after f2008 standard
                    revision (?)
           Product: gcc
           Version: 9.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: fortran
          Assignee: unassigned at gcc dot
          Reporter: juergen.reuter at desy dot de
  Target Milestone: ---

this is a question on the constraint C1279 from J3/04-007

"In the scoping unit of an elemental subprogram, an object designator with
 a dummy argument as the base object shall not appear in a specification-expr
 except as the argument to one of the intrinsic functions BIT_SIZE, KIND, LEN,
 or the numeric inquiry functions (13.5.6)."

It seems that this restriction was removed for the Fortran 2008 standard
gfortran still conforms to -std=f2003 here and disallows this even with the
flag -std=f2008?
Isn't this incorrect behaviour?
IMHO the following program below would be conformant to f2008.

Intel seems to accept this (while nagfor also vetoes for the same reason

module m

  implicit none


  type, public :: string_t
     character(len=:), allocatable :: cs
     procedure, pass(self) :: get_substr_pos
     procedure, pass(self) :: get_substr_pos_len
     procedure, pass(self) :: assign_t
     procedure, pass(self), public :: length => string_len
     generic, public :: assignment(=) => assign_t
     generic, public :: substr => get_substr_pos, get_substr_pos_len
  end type string_t


  elemental function string_len(self) result(l)

    class(string_t), intent(in) :: self
    ! Function result
    integer :: l

    l = len(self%cs)

  end function string_len

  elemental subroutine assign_t(self, cs)

    class(string_t), intent(inout) :: self
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: cs

    self%cs = cs

  end subroutine assign_t

  elemental function get_substr_pos( self, pos ) result( substr )

    ! Argument list
    class(string_t), intent(in)   :: self
    integer, intent(in)           :: pos
    ! Function result
    character(len=len(self%cs)-pos+1) :: substr

    ! checks elided
    substr = self%cs(pos:)


  end function get_substr_pos

  elemental function get_substr_pos_len( self, pos, slen ) result( substr )

    ! Argument list
    class(string_t), intent(in) :: self
    integer, intent(in)         :: pos
    integer, intent(in)         :: slen
    ! Function result
    character(len=slen) :: substr

    ! checks elided
    substr = self%cs(pos:(pos+slen-1))


  end function get_substr_pos_len

end module m

program assign_overlap

  use m, only : string_t

  implicit none

  type(string_t) :: str

  str = '0123456789'

  print *, '"'//str%substr( pos=1 )//'"'
  str = str%substr( pos=1, slen=5 )
  print *, '"'//str%substr( pos=1 )//'"'


  end program assign_overlap

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