--- Comment #6 from Carl Love <carll at gcc dot> ---
Printing the results rather then aborting, we see the value of ib[1] and ib[3]
are swapped; ib[2] and ib[4] are swapped, then  ib[5] and ib[7] are swapped and
ib[6] and ib[8] are swapped.  The pattern continues.

ib[1] = 168, res[1] = 192  <-R1                                                 
ib[2] = 156, res[2] = 180       <-R2                                            
ib[3] = 192, res[3] = 168  <-R1                                                 
ib[4] = 180, res[4] = 156       <-R2                                            
ib[5] = 120, res[5] = 144  <-R3                                                 
ib[6] = 108, res[6] = 132       <-R4                                            
ib[7] = 144, res[7] = 120  <-R3                                                 
ib[8] = 132, res[8] = 108       <-R4                                            
ib[9] = 72, res[9] = 96    <-R5                                                 
ib[10] = 60, res[10] = 84       <-R6                                            
ib[11] = 96, res[11] = 72  <-R5                                                 
ib[12] = 84, res[12] = 60       <-R6                                            
ib[13] = 24, res[13] = 48  <-R7                                                 
ib[14] = 12, res[14] = 36       <-R8                                            
ib[15] = 48, res[15] = 24  <-R7                                                 
ib[16] = 36, res[16] = 12       <-R8

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