Bug ID: 85513 Summary: symbol already defined error if using default invocable arguments with lambda expressions Product: gcc Version: 8.0 Status: UNCONFIRMED Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: c++ Assignee: unassigned at gcc dot Reporter: Target Milestone: --- Created attachment 44015 --> The code that produces the aformentioned error. Hi all, I stumbled over a possible bug in the gcc compiler for the following code: ``` #include <iterator> #include <functional> #include <iostream> // DIRTY-FIX: It works, if we use this named lambda to default the callable argument. auto dummy = [](char){return true;}; template <typename f1, typename f2 = std::function<bool(char)>> // decltype(dummy) bool bar(f1 && _f1n, f2 && _f2n = [](char){return false;}) // std::move(dummy) { return _f2n('c'); } int main() { auto l1 = [](char v){ return v == 'c';}; auto l2 = [](char v){ return v == 'a';}; std::cout << std::boolalpha << bar(l1) << '\n'; std::cout << std::boolalpha << bar(l2) << '\n'; return 0; } ``` Expected Output: false false Actual Output: /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s: Assembler messages: /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:317: Error: symbol `_ZNKUlcE0_clEc' is already defined /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:588: Error: symbol `_ZSt4moveIRUlcE0_EONSt16remove_referenceIT_E4typeEOS3_' is already defined /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:606: Error: symbol `_ZNSt8functionIFbcEEC2IUlcE0_vvEET_' is already defined /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:922: Error: symbol `_ZNSt14_Function_base13_Base_managerIUlcE0_E21_M_not_empty_functionIS1_EEbRKT_' is already defined /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:939: Error: symbol `_ZNSt14_Function_base13_Base_managerIUlcE0_E15_M_init_functorERSt9_Any_dataOS1_' is already defined /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:972: Error: symbol `_ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFbcEUlcE0_E9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_dataOc' is already defined /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:1006: Error: symbol `_ZNSt14_Function_base13_Base_managerIUlcE0_E10_M_managerERSt9_Any_dataRKS3_St18_Manager_operation' is already defined /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:1224: Error: symbol `_ZNSt14_Function_base13_Base_managerIUlcE0_E15_M_init_functorERSt9_Any_dataOS1_St17integral_constantIbLb1EE' is already defined /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:1252: Error: symbol `_ZNSt14_Function_base13_Base_managerIUlcE0_E14_M_get_pointerERKSt9_Any_data' is already defined /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:1277: Error: symbol `_ZNSt9_Any_data9_M_accessIPUlcE0_EERT_v' is already defined /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:1297: Error: symbol `_ZNSt14_Function_base13_Base_managerIUlcE0_E8_M_cloneERSt9_Any_dataRKS3_St17integral_constantIbLb1EE' is already defined /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:1325: Error: symbol `_ZNSt14_Function_base13_Base_managerIUlcE0_E10_M_destroyERSt9_Any_dataSt17integral_constantIbLb1EE' is already defined /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:1406: Error: symbol `_ZNKSt9_Any_data9_M_accessIUlcE0_EERKT_v' is already defined /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:1426: Error: symbol `_ZSt11__addressofIKUlcE0_EPT_RS2_' is already defined /tmp/ccNpZtZz.s:1444: Error: symbol `_ZNSt9_Any_data9_M_accessIUlcE0_EERT_v' is already defined The following compilers/systems are tested: g++ (GCC) 7.1.0 // on debian: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.43-2+deb8u3 (2017-08-15) x86_64 GNU/Linux g++ (Macports gcc8 8-20170604_1+universal) 8.0.0 20170604 // on mac: Darwin Kernel Version 16.7.0 Build: g++-7 -Wall -pedantic -O0 -std=c++17 test.cpp (test.cpp contains the code from above.) Note: The above code will work, if instead of using the anonymous lambda as a default argument, the named lambda `dummy` would be used. Also, if in the main method the second call to bar uses again `l1` instead of `l2` the code compiles just fine. Also clang, does not seem to have any problems with any of the versions, so this leaves me to the conclusion, that something is wrong with gcc? Many thanks for your assistance. Best, René