Harald Anlauf <anlauf at gmx dot de> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |anlauf at gmx dot de

--- Comment #4 from Harald Anlauf <anlauf at gmx dot de> ---
(In reply to Jakub Jelinek from comment #3)
> If it is about variables in MAIN__ and not say variables inside of BLOCK
> inside of MAIN__, then perhaps.  For BLOCK, I wonder about stuff like:
>   !$omp parallel
>   block
>     integer :: i
>     i = ...
>     use (i)
>   end block
>   !$omp end parallel
> end
> and similar, where the implicit SAVE would be undesirable.

The OpenMP data sharing rules are quite clear about this, even if they do
not mention Fortran BLOCK explicitly:

E.g. TR6,

  Local variables declared in called routines in the region and that have the
  save attribute, or that are data initialized, are shared unless they appear
  in a threadprivate directive.

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