--- Comment #5 from Harald Anlauf <anlauf at gmx dot de> ---
(In reply to Arjen Markus from comment #4)
> It was precisely this sort of issues that led me to write this small sample
> program. And I realised this morning, that indeed the host variables need to
> be avoided.

The OpenMP standard says that host or use associated variables are
shared.  For q, this means that different threads would access this
variable, i.e. you get a data race.

> But does:
> - loop_body accesses the host-associated, non-threadprivate variables q,
>   x, and id, and you get data races
> mean that it is utterly unsafe to access even the shared variables (x and id
> in this case)? That would defy the intentions of using a(n internal) routine
> altogether. I need to have access to the entire array and the pattern of
> iterations avoids data collisions.

For your code and for your iteration pattern (different threads will use
different j ranges), you could declare q in the main as threadprivate,
(now gfortran-7 complains that it should be save'd), and you should pass
the private variables i and j to your worker subroutine.
Try the following (checked with valgrind):

! chkloop_internal.f90 --
!     I want to know:
!     - OpenMP-enabled outer loops with a small number of iterations (but a
large body with long loops)
!     - Combination with internal routines
program chkloop_internal
    use omp_lib
    implicit none

    integer, parameter                   :: noelems = 100000
    real, dimension(:), allocatable      :: x, y, z
    integer, dimension(:), allocatable   :: id
    integer                              :: i, j, noperlayer, nolayers
!$omp threadprivate(q)
    real, save                           :: q

    allocate( x(noelems), y(noelems), z(noelems), id(noelems) )

    id = 0
    call random_number( x )
    call random_number( y )
    call random_number( z )

    nolayers   = 10
    noperlayer = noelems / nolayers

!$omp parallel private(i, j)
!$omp do schedule(dynamic)
    do i = 1,nolayers
        do j = noperlayer * (i - 1) + 1, noperlayer * i
           call loop_body (i,j)
!$omp end do
!$omp end parallel

    do i = 1,omp_get_max_threads()
        write(*,*) i, count( id == i-1 )

  subroutine loop_body (i,j)
    integer :: i, j
!   real    :: q        ! use local variables if possible
    q     = z(j)
    x(j)  = x(j) + q * y(j)
    id(j) = omp_get_thread_num()
    write(80+id(j),*) i,j,x(j),y(j),q
  end subroutine loop_body
end program chkloop_internal

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