--- Comment #8 from Jakub Jelinek <jakub at gcc dot> --- Created attachment 39923 --> pr78112.ii Reduced testcase, on x86_64-linux with -g -dA one can see on a single DIE (so it isn't just DW_AT_inline, but also DW_AT_object_pointer): .uleb128 0x22 # (DIE (0x4ab) DW_TAG_subprogram) .long 0x184 # DW_AT_specification .byte 0 # DW_AT_inline .long 0x4be # DW_AT_object_pointer .byte 0 # DW_AT_inline .long 0x4be # DW_AT_object_pointer .long 0x55f # DW_AT_sibling The DW_AT_specification for this is: .uleb128 0xb # (DIE (0x184) DW_TAG_subprogram) # DW_AT_external .long .LASF26 # DW_AT_name: "_Hashtable" .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file (pr78112.ii) .byte 0x7f # DW_AT_decl_line .long .LASF28 # DW_AT_linkage_name: "_ZNSt10_HashtableIiSt4pairIKiiE41Trans_NS___gnu_test_propagating_allocatorIiSaIiEENSt8__detail10_Select1stEiiNS6_18_Mod_range_hashingENS6_20_Default_ranged_hashENS6_20_Prime_rehash_policyENS6_17_Hashtable_traitsEEC4ERKSC_" # DW_AT_declaration .long 0x197 # DW_AT_object_pointer .long 0x1a2 # DW_AT_sibling