--- Comment #2 from Gerhard Steinmetz <> 
Whereas :

$ cat z4.f90
program p
   type t1
   end type
   type t2
      integer :: n
      class(t1), allocatable :: a
   end type
   type(t1) :: x = t1()
   type(t2) :: y = t2(1, null())
   print *, same_type_as(x, y%a)

$ gfortran-6 z4.f90
$ a.out


Subcase, partly related to pr68225 :

$ cat z5.f90
program p
   type t1
   end type
   type t2
      integer :: n
      class(t1), allocatable :: a
   end type
   type(t1) :: x = t1()
   type(t2) :: y = t2(1)
   print *, same_type_as(x, y%a)

$ gfortran-6 z5.f90
$ a.out

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

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