--- Comment #7 from Joost VandeVondele <Joost.VandeVondele at mat dot> --- The following testcase is slightly different in that it leads to a segfault: > cat bug.f90 MODULE xc_pbe INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp=8 CONTAINS SUBROUTINE pbe_lsd_calc(rhoa, rhob, norm_drho, norm_drhoa, norm_drhob,& e_0, e_ra, e_rb, e_ra_ndra, e_rb_ndrb, e_ndr_ndr,& e_ndra, e_ndrb, e_ra_ra, e_ra_rb, e_rb_rb, e_ra_ndr, e_rb_ndr,& grad_deriv,npoints,epsilon_rho,epsilon_drho,param,scale_ec,scale_ex,error) REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(*), INTENT(inout) :: e_0, e_ra, e_rb, e_ra_ndra, & e_ra_ra, e_ra_rb, e_rb_rb, e_ra_ndr, e_rb_ndr INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: grad_deriv, npoints REAL(kind=dp) :: A, A1rhoa, A1rhob, A_1, A_2, A_3, alpha_1_1, alpha_1_2, & t789, t79, t795, t798, t8, t80, t801, t812, t82, t820, t821 SELECT CASE(grad_deriv) CASE default DO ii=1,npoints IF (my_rho>epsilon_rho) THEN IF (grad_deriv>=2.OR.grad_deriv==-2) THEN k_s1rhoa = k_srhoa t801 = t96 * t798 * k_srhoa / 0.2e1_dp trhoarhoa = t775 * t776 * phi1rhoa + t779 * t776 * k_s1rhoa / & 0.2e1_dp + t785 - t269 * t98 * phirhoarhoa / 0.2e1_dp + t779 * t789 & * phi1rhoa / 0.2e1_dp + t795 * t789 * k_s1rhoa + t801 - t96 * t274 *& 0.2e1_dp + t269 * t277 * phi1rhoa / 0.2e1_dp + t96 * t798 * k_s1rhoa& / 0.2e1_dp + t812 t959 = t908 + t911 + t914 + t917 + t919 + 0.2e1_dp * A1rhoa * t116& * Arhoa + 0.8e1_dp * t944 * Arhoa * t1rhoa + 0.2e1_dp * t314 * & trhoa * t1rhoa + 0.4e1_dp * t318 * trhoarhoa t962 = 0.2e1_dp * t101 * t1rhoa * t299 + 0.2e1_dp * t297 * t868 * & t321 + 0.2e1_dp * t310 * t936 * t321 * t876 - t310 * t313 * t959 e_ra_ra(ii) = e_ra_ra(ii)+& scale_ex * (0.2e1_dp * ex_unif_a1rhoa * Fx_a + & my_rho * (epsilon_c_unifrhoarhoa + 0.6e1_dp * t858 * t294 * phi1rhoa +& phirhoarhoa + 0.3e1_dp * t293 * t326 * phi1rhoa + t110 * t962 * t325& - t110 * t967 * t879)) trhoarhob = t775 * t776 * phirhob + t779 * t776 * k_srhob / & scale_ex * (0.2e1_dp * ex_unif_b * & Fx_bnorm_drhob + 0.2e1_dp * t481 * Fx_bnorm_drhob + 0.2e1_dp * t156 & * (-0.8e1_dp * t1712 * t1713 * s_bnorm_drhob + 0.2e1_dp * t477 * & s_bnorm_drhob * s_brhob + 0.2e1_dp * t477 * s_b * (-t467 * t148 * & kf_brhob / 0.2e1_dp - t146 * t472 / 0.2e1_dp))) / 0.2e1_dp END IF END IF END DO END SELECT END SUBROUTINE pbe_lsd_calc END MODULE xc_pbe > gfortran -c -O2 -ffast-math bug.f90 bug.f90:4:0: SUBROUTINE pbe_lsd_calc(rhoa, rhob, norm_drho, norm_drhoa, norm_drhob,& internal compiler error: Segmentation fault 0xba068f crash_signal ../../gcc/gcc/toplev.c:333 0x904906 bb_seq_addr ../../gcc/gcc/gimple.h:1655 0x904906 gsi_start_bb ../../gcc/gcc/gimple-iterator.h:129 0x904906 gsi_for_stmt(gimple*) ../../gcc/gcc/gimple-iterator.c:617 0xd57ff2 insert_stmt_after ../../gcc/gcc/tree-ssa-reassoc.c:1323 0xd59cd5 build_and_add_sum ../../gcc/gcc/tree-ssa-reassoc.c:1392 0xd5b37e rewrite_expr_tree_parallel ../../gcc/gcc/tree-ssa-reassoc.c:4128 0xd65296 reassociate_bb ../../gcc/gcc/tree-ssa-reassoc.c:5339 0xd649c7 reassociate_bb ../../gcc/gcc/tree-ssa-reassoc.c:5391