--- Comment #4 from Dominique d'Humieres <dominiq at lps dot> --- Note that if I do the same modification as in comment 3 to the original test module SingleLinkedListClass implicit none private integer, parameter :: intG_IK = SELECTED_INT_KIND (8) type SingleLinkItem integer (kind=4), public :: intTag logical (kind=4), public :: blnIsPointer class (*), pointer :: udtData => NULL () type (SingleLinkItem), pointer :: udtNext => NULL() contains final :: Destroy end type SingleLinkItem type SingleLinkedList private integer, allocatable :: Dummy type (SingleLinkItem), pointer :: udtFirstLink => NULL () integer (intG_IK) , public :: intItemCount = 0 contains procedure, public, pass(this) :: GoToStart end type SingleLinkedList contains function GoToStart (this) result (intSuccess) implicit none class (SingleLinkedList), intent (inout) :: this integer (intG_IK) :: intSuccess = -1 end function GoToStart subroutine Destroy (this) implicit none type(SingleLinkItem), intent(inout) :: this integer(kind=4) :: intStat DEALLOCATE (this%udtData, STAT=intStat) this%intTag = 0 end subroutine Destroy end module SingleLinkedListClass the ICE is gone, but I get the following error function GoToStart (this) result (intSuccess) 1 Error: Function result 'intsuccess' at (1) cannot have an initializer I don't understand.