--- Comment #26 from Joost VandeVondele <Joost.VandeVondele at mat dot> --- One more datapoint on the .smod / .mod issue. I ran into the first package that fails to build with 6.0 because of this. libxc (version 2.2.2, Tobias Burnus actually being one of the authors), relies on a configure macro named ax_cv_f90_modext this macro now leads in the Makefile to : [...] am__untar = $${TAR-tar} xf - ax_cv_f90_modext = mod smod bindir = ${exec_prefix}/bin [...] which leads to an obvious:> make -j Makefile:319: *** missing separator. Stop. While arguably this is a bug in the ax_cv_f90_modext macro, it might be indicative of possible problems 'in the wild'. However, I do like the idea of having only public info in the .mod, and hence improving the recompilation cascade problem.