--- Comment #10 from boger at us dot ---
Now that I am building on ppc64 with a new enough glibc, using my latest
patches for rs6000.c and Andreas' patch, and forcing the gold linker to be
used, I am hitting a testcase failure in the libgo fmt test.  

The failure is a segv, gdb shows this:

   0x10024aa0 <>:    ld      r0,-28736(r13)
   0x10024aa4 <>:  addi    r12,r1,-160
   0x10024aa8 <>:  nop
   0x10024aac <>: cmpld   cr7,r12,r0
   0x10024ab0 <>: blt-    cr7,0x10024b78
   0x10024ab4 <>: rldicl. r9,r4,8,56
=> 0x10024ab8 <>: std     r4,56(r12)
   0x10024abc <>: std     r5,64(r12)
   0x10024ac0 <>: std     r6,72(r12)
   0x10024ac4 <>: std     r7,80(r12)

r12 does not contain the correct value.  If look below in this function where
the call to __morestack was, I see this:

0x10024b78 <>:   mflr    r0
   0x10024b7c <>:        std     r0,16(r1)
   0x10024b80 <>:        bl      0x1004ed18
   0x10024b84 <>:        ld      r0,16(r1)
   0x10024b88 <>:        mtlr    r0
   0x10024b8c <>:        blr
   0x10024b90 <>:        b       0x10024ab4

For it to get to the code where the segv occurs, it must have taken the last
branch after the call to __morestack.  In reading the comments in the emit
prologue code in rs6000.c, it says that __morestack returns the value in r29
and that should be moved to r12, but I don't see that happening in this code.

Alan, can you look at this? I will send you the details on where it is.

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