--- Comment #5 from alalaw01 at gcc dot --- So the above example tends to get fully unrolled, but even on an example with 32 ptrs rather than 4, yes the vectorizer fails because of the multiplication - but the multiplication is gone by the final tree stage, as it's strength reduced down to an add; I believe this -fdump-tree-optimized would be perfectly vectorizable: loop () { unsigned long ivtmp.12; unsigned long ivtmp.10; void * _4; struct my_struct * _7; struct my_struct * pretmp_11; unsigned long _20; <bb 2>: pretmp_11 = array; ivtmp.10_16 = (unsigned long) pretmp_11; ivtmp.12_2 = (unsigned long) &ptrs; _20 = (unsigned long) &MEM[(void *)&ptrs + 256B]; <bb 3>: # ivtmp.10_10 = PHI <ivtmp.10_1(3), ivtmp.10_16(2)> # ivtmp.12_15 = PHI <ivtmp.12_14(3), ivtmp.12_2(2)> _7 = (struct my_struct *) ivtmp.10_10; _4 = (void *) ivtmp.12_15; MEM[base: _4, offset: 0B] = _7; ivtmp.10_1 = ivtmp.10_10 + 16; ivtmp.12_14 = ivtmp.12_15 + 8; if (ivtmp.12_14 != _20) goto <bb 3>; else goto <bb 4>; <bb 4>: return; }