--- Comment #9 from Jack Howarth < at gmail dot com> --- Note that this issue seems to only be fixable from within dejagnu and that the commit of 6d2e2d3791bcea70131a6cf64a0a5223333a7b8e effectively broke the log_summary proc in dejagnu's lib/framework.exp by reseting the testcnt global which is used as follows... # If the tool set `testcnt', it wants us to do a sanity check on the # total count, so compare the reported number of testcases with the # expected number. Maintaining an accurate count in `testcnt' isn't easy # so it's not clear how often this will be used. if {[info exists testcnt]} { if { $testcnt > 0 } { set totlcnt 0 # total all the testcases reported foreach x { FAIL PASS XFAIL KFAIL XPASS KPASS UNTESTED UNRESOLVED UNSUPPORTED } { incr totlcnt test_counts($x,$which) } set testcnt test_counts(total,$which) if { $testcnt>$totlcnt || $testcnt<$totlcnt } { if { $testcnt > $totlcnt } { set mismatch "unreported [expr {$testcnt - $totlcnt}]" } if { $testcnt < $totlcnt } { set mismatch "misreported [expr {$totlcnt - $testcnt}]" } } else { verbose "# of testcases run $testcnt" } if {[info exists mismatch]} { clone_output "### ERROR: totals do not equal number of testcases run" clone_output "### ERROR: # of testcases expected $testcnt" clone_output "### ERROR: # of testcases reported $totlcnt" clone_output "### ERROR: # of testcases $mismatch\n" } } } foreach x { PASS FAIL XPASS XFAIL KPASS KFAIL UNRESOLVED UNTESTED UNSUPPORTED } { set val $test_counts($x,$which) if { $val > 0 } { set mess "# of $test_counts($x,name)" if { $xml } { xml_output " <summary>" xml_output " <result>$x</result>" xml_output " <description>$mess</description>" xml_output " <total>$val</total>" xml_output " </summary>" } if { [string length $mess] < 24 } { append mess "\t" } clone_output "$mess\t$val" }