--- Comment #4 from Artem S. Tashkinov <t.artem at mailcity dot com> ---
Created attachment 34783
Sources and Makefile (run make to reproduce)

This bug affects GCC 4.9.2 too! (I'm on i686):

blake2s.cpp: In function ‘void blake2s_update(blake2s_state*, const byte*,
blake2s.cpp:138:40: error: corrupted value profile: value profile counter
(11286702 out of 11276532) inconsistent with basic-block count (9452310)
       memcpy( S->buf + left, in, fill ); // Fill buffer
blake2s.cpp:162:49: error: corrupted value profile: value profile counter
(11504160 out of 11557346) inconsistent with basic-block count (11155414)
       memcpy( S->buf + left, in, (size_t)inlen );
make: *** [blake2s.o] Error 1

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