--- Comment #4 from Dominique d'Humieres <dominiq at lps dot> ---
Reduced test

program test
  implicit none
  type t
    integer :: ii
  end type t
  type, extends(t) :: u
    real :: rr
  end type u
  type, extends(t) :: v
    real, allocatable :: rr(:)
  end type v
  type, extends(v) :: w
    real, allocatable :: rrr(:)
  end type w

  type(v) :: b(3)

  b = func7() ! scalar daughter type to array - alloc comps in parent type


  function func7() result(res)
    class(v), allocatable :: res
    allocate (res, source = w(3,[10.0,20.0],[100,200]))
  end function func7

end program test

There is no problem with the original test once the following lines are

  b = func7() ! scalar daughter type to array - alloc comps in parent type
  if (any (b(2)%rr .ne. [10.0,20.0])) call abort

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