David Kastrup <dak at gnu dot org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|RESOLVED                    |UNCONFIRMED
         Resolution|INVALID                     |---

--- Comment #2 from David Kastrup <dak at gnu dot org> ---
class Deriv is not a class template.  Deriv is an ordinary class with one base
class being the specialized Bass<int>.

Your argument (and the references) would be valid for

template <class T> class Deriv : Bass<T> { ... }

but that's not what the report is about.  Digging through the C++11 draft
standard, I don't actually see that case covered at all (but then the draft
standard tends to give me a headache pretty fast).

I see no reason why in a non-template class definition the unspecialized
template name of a specialized base class should have any special state.

Assuming that you get further in the standard before headaches set in than I
do, could you cite the section that you derive your opinion from?

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