Jonathan Wakely <redi at gcc dot> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Keywords|                            |rejects-valid

--- Comment #8 from Jonathan Wakely <redi at gcc dot> ---
Here's the reduced form of the rejects-valid case from comment 6

namespace std
  template <typename T>
    struct basic_string
      template<typename U>
        friend struct vector;

std::basic_string<char> it;   // injects std::vector<T> into global scope

namespace std
  template<typename U>
    struct vector { };

using std::vector; error: ‘vector’ is already declared in this scope
 using std::vector;

That seems slightly different, as it only misbehaves when std::vector is a
template, i.e. this version compiles OK:

namespace std
  template <typename T>
    struct basic_string
        friend struct foo;

std::basic_string<char> it;   // does not inject std::foo

namespace std
    struct foo { };

using std::foo;

Curiously, although the error for the first example says vector has already
been declared at global scope, it apparently refers to std::vector and yet is
considered incomplete:

namespace std
  template <typename T>
    struct basic_string
      template<typename U>
        friend struct bar;

std::basic_string<char> it;   // injects std::bar<T> into global scope

namespace std
  template<typename U>
    struct bar { };

bar<int> b; error: aggregate ‘std::bar<int> b’ has incomplete type and cannot
be defined
 bar<int> b;

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