--- Comment #6 from Dominique d'Humieres <dominiq at lps dot> ---
Curly quotes in

  met_file = ‘met_04270_62_65.txt’

The following code

implicit none

character(len=70) :: &
  dem_file='',      &! Elevation file name
  met_file='',      &! Driving data file name
  vegf_file='',     &! Vegetation fraction file name
  vegh_file='',     &! Vegetation height file name
  wind_file='',     &! Wind distribution file name
  RunID=''           ! Run identifier

integer :: & 
  Nsmax,Nsoil,noff,   &
  d,             &! Discretized wind direction (1 = NE, 2 = E, ..., 8 = N)
  i,j,           &! Grid indices
  is,js,         &! Grid location of met station

real :: &
  dt,lat,windir,zT,zU, &
  sx,sy,         &! Coordinates of met station (m)
  Waws,          &! Wind speed at met station
  xlo,ylo,       &! Grid SW corner coordinates (m)
  xhi,yhi         ! Grid NE corner coordinates (m)

real, allocatable :: &
  dzdx(:,:),     &! Partial derivative
  dzdy(:,:)       ! Partial derivative

namelist /grids/ dem_file,vegf_file,vegh_file,wind_file,Nsmax,Nsoil,sx,sy
namelist /drive/ dt,lat,met_file,noff,windir,zT,zU
namelist /output/ RunID,dayout,monthout

read(5, grids)
read(5, drive)
read(5, output)

print *, dem_file,vegf_file,vegh_file,wind_file,Nsmax,Nsoil,sx,sy
print *, dt,lat,met_file,noff,windir,zT,zU
print *, RunID,dayout,monthout


reads the namelist once the curly quotes have replaced with '.

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