Barry Tannenbaum <barry.m.tannenbaum at intel dot com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |barry.m.tannenbaum at intel 
dot co
                   |                            |m

--- Comment #6 from Barry Tannenbaum <barry.m.tannenbaum at intel dot com> ---
Hi.  I'm one of the Cilk runtime developers.  Balaji asked me to help him with
this since it's a Cilk runtime issue.

I don't understand the reluctance to check the defintion of
__cpu_set_t_defined, since it's defined right there in
/usr/include/bits/sched.h on my Ubuntu system.  Is the problem that it's not a
"top-level" include file?

How about if I check the macros defined in /usr/include/sched.h.  I could
easily check for a defintion of CPU_SETSIZE, for example.

    - Barry

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