janus at gcc dot changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Keywords|                            |rejects-valid
                 CC|                            |janus at gcc dot
            Summary|Problem with using tbp      |[OOP] Problem with using
                   |specification function in   |tbp specification function
                   |multiple class procedures   |in multiple class
                   |                            |procedures

--- Comment #2 from janus at gcc dot ---
As the example in PR 59450 shows, the propagation of the PURE attribute (from
the procedure symbol of 'get_num' to the corresponding PPC in the vtab) works
in principle (it happens in resolve_fl_derived0).

I think the problem here is simply related to the resolution order: We resolve
get_array before get_num, therefore the pureness has not been propagated yet.

I will try to find a way around it ...

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