--- Comment #4 from Jim Hand <jhand at austin dot> ---
I compiled 4.9.0-20130714 today and ran the same tests. Here are the results
for the lookup loops with the times for each compiler:

4.6.3: 11536 microseconds
4.7.3: 12150 microseconds  (5.3% slower than 4.6.3)
4.8.2: 14810 microseconds  (28.3% slower than 4.6.3)
4.9.0-20130714 15365 microseconds (33.1% slower than 4.6.3)

I took a look at the assembly for the "return a.find(5) != a.end();" code for
4.9 and it looks very similar to the 4.8 assembly, but contains two extra
instructions at the beginning of the function:

    testq    %r8, %r8
     je    .L8

I guess those two instructions explain the the slightly worse behavior for
4.9.0 than 4.8.2.

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