Bug #: 56660 Summary: Fails to read NAMELIST with certain form array syntax Classification: Unclassified Product: gcc Version: 4.9.0 Status: UNCONFIRMED Keywords: wrong-code Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: fortran AssignedTo: ReportedBy: CC:, Depends on: 51825 Another namelist failure, found by Jerry. See also PR 49791, PR 51825, PR 55117, PR 52512. When reading the file, gfortran fails with: At line 17 of file pr51825-3.f90 (unit = 99, file = 'nml.dat') Fortran runtime error: Cannot match namelist object name 'bb' Using NAG, one gets the output: &NAML1 TRACER = XX F XX F XX F/ &NAML1 TRACER = aa T bb T XX F/ (There are plenty ways of outputting this data - as long as the data is there.) type ptracer character(len = 2) :: sname logical :: lini end type ptracer type(ptracer) , dimension(3) :: tracer namelist/naml1/ tracer tracer(:) = ptracer('XXX', .false.) write (*, nml=naml1) open (99, file='nml.dat', status="replace") write(99,*) "&naml1" write(99,*) " tracer(:) = 'aa' , .true." write(99,*) " tracer(2) = 'bb' , .true." write(99,*) "/" rewind(99) read (99, nml=naml1) write (*, nml=naml1) close (99, status="delete") end