--- Comment #12 from Fred Krogh <fkrogh#gcc at mathalacarte dot com> 2013-03-17 
15:35:10 UTC ---

For those using valgrind on gentoo for the first time (like me) you need to add

to FEATURES in make.conf, "splitdebug" and re-emerge glibc.

I've tried running valgrind on my program with no options.  I does a lot of

complaining about a "use" statement in connection with a library I'm using. 

Other than this, the next error it finds is beyond the point where I think the

compiler goofed. The error found is one that my usual runtime also catches, and

is either due to the previous error, or my usual sloppiness. I would ordinarily

track down this error when I get to it.

If there are special features in valgrind that I should be using, let me know

and I'll give it a try.  At this point it should be easy.

I have tried making up a small example, but was unable to get the same problem.

 I'll try a bit more, but I don't think this is going to work.

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