Yuri Rumyantsev <ysrumyan at gmail dot com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added


                 CC|                            |ysrumyan at gmail dot com

--- Comment #15 from Yuri Rumyantsev <ysrumyan at gmail dot com> 2013-01-22 
15:33:33 UTC ---

We checked that for the attached simple test-case IPA_CP is done but it does

not work for the real bench UMTmk_1.1 it does not work. In this bench we have

the following chain of stmts:


        npart = 16

        call driver(Size, Geom, npart, storePsi)


           call init(Size, Geom, npart, storePsi,  &

             next,omega,abdym,sigvol,qc,   &


and we did not see that value 16 for npart has been propagated (if so the

innermost loops with npart upper bound will be completely unrolled).

If we look at call graph for init we see that it does not have callee in graph:

init_.constprop.2/72 (init_.constprop.2) @0x7f0874ee3b90

  Type: function

  Visibility: used_from_other_partition public visibility_specified




  Read from file: /tmp/ccGZySlu.ltrans2.o

  Clone of init_.2535/55

  Function flags: analyzed local finalized

  Called by: 


I put into attachment the whole bench for investigation.

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