Ray Donnelly < at gmail dot com> changed:

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                 CC|                            | at gmail dot

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--- Comment #14 from Ray Donnelly < at gmail dot com> 2013-01-15 
15:56:00 UTC ---

> Until someone has time to update odcctools or toolwhip to a Darwin10 version, 
> I wonder if it is not simply easier to build an i686-Darwin9 executable? 
> (which should run fine on Darwin10)

I've done this. I started from javacom's toolchain4 which uses odcctools. I

heavily patched odcctools to bring them more up to date. Eventually, the hope

is to merge these cross compilers with the crosstool-ng project.

For now though, you can find the source code here: (master branch should build ok with

./ apple provided you've got MacOSX10.7.sdk)

..and binaries here (again to use these you need MacOSX10.7.sdk):

(the Darwin native build is provided too for testing/QA purposes).

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