--- Comment #10 from Adi <adivilceanu at yahoo dot com> 2012-11-05 14:34:25 UTC 

I found the real problem ! 

Now it can be reproducible even with a small test case.

I can summarize it like this: If you have a global object/function defined in

"n" different object files, then the constructors in the "n-1" object files

might not be invoked at all. This will happen always for sure if the

object/function is the first thing defined in those object files.

Explination: Each object file when complied with g++ for AIX, will get a



Now if there are 2 object file that have defined in them an object/function

with the same name/signature then these 2 object files will get the same

_GLOBAL__* symbol. 

Now later when the collect2 is involved it will take just one _GLOBAL__* into

account. It will ignore the other n-1 symbols and so n-1 object remain with all

their object's constructors not called.

Given the above I have fixed my project not to have this situation(object with

same name in multiple compilation units) and every constructor in my project is

called now !

So it has nothing to do with inline as I first suspected. My inline sub-problem

just was a side-effect of the real problem.

Do you consider this being a bug? I think it is. Even if no fix is provided at

least for me now something that would have been very usefull is if collect2

would have issued a more explicit message like "Multiple definitions of global

objects with the same name; Some global objects will not be initialied !".

I mean in the collect2 it is known that if it encounters this situation that

there will be objects that will remain not-initialized. Right?

Now that I solve this problem I have one new problem: It is related to the

order of initialization of global objects across multiple compilation units.

Shout I continue on this thread or open a new one? I am not sure its a bug.. I

first have some questions on it.

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