This actually looks like a previously latent issue in predict.c For all but
estimate_num_iterations_int.  It uses the funny definition of number of
iterations (i.e. 0 means that loop will exit at first invocation of the exit
condition and that is what it will be predicted with when nitercst == 1.

Index: predict.c
--- predict.c   (revision 193062)
+++ predict.c   (working copy)
@@ -1433,8 +1437,8 @@ predict_loops (void)
             the loop, use it to predict this exit.  */
          else if (n_exits == 1)
-             nitercst = estimated_stmt_executions_int (loop);
-             if (nitercst < 0)
+             nitercst = estimated_stmt_executions_int (loop) + 1;
+             if (nitercst <= 0)
              if (nitercst > max)
                nitercst = max;

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