--- Comment #17 from Tobias Burnus <burnus at gcc dot> 2012-07-20 
06:23:46 UTC ---
Status: Now also assumed-ranks are supported.


1. Remaining issues of assumed-rank, e.g. shape/ubound/lbound,
   class-to-type handling, contiguous attribute.

2. Update/relax checking for various C interop functions such as c_loc and
    c_f_pointer. Cf. also PR48858 (!) and PR47023 but also PR40963, PR38829,
    PR39288, PR38813. Currently, some valid F2003 is also rejected; F2008 and
    TS 29113 relaxed constraints are unimplemented. Meta bug: PR32630

4. Implement the new array descriptor (cf. PR 37577, PR 48820)

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