--- Comment #75 from H.J. Lu < at gmail dot com> 2012-04-17 14:47:27 
UTC ---
(In reply to comment #74)
> We still have an unresolved issue here: we're effectively reversing the order
> in which the ctors are run across translation units. While explicitly 
> undefined
> by any standard, it was mentioned upthread that this would probably break a 
> lot
> of code that depended on ctors for later translation units (e.g., a
> statically-linked C++ library) running before those for earlier translation
> units. And, in fact, we have been finding lots of such code. We've temporarily
> worked around it by configuring GCC to continue to use .ctors sections, and by
> turning off --ctors-in-init-array in the linker, but I'd think it would be 
> nice
> to fix this.

Can you provide a testcase? ARM EABI has been using .init_array from day
one.  How does it work for ARM EABI?

> I'd like to propose a --reverse-init-array option to the linker that would
> reverse the contributions to the .init_array section relative to one another
> (but not the actual contents of each contribution). With this option, the
> .init_array entries for translation unit A would come after those for
> translation unit B, when A comes before B on the link command. This would 
> still
> conform to the standards, but would provide a more reasonable ordering, since
> it is natural to expect initializers for dependent libraries to execute before
> those for code that depends on them (as is the case for shared libraries
> already).
> As I recall the discussions from years ago when we first added .init_array, I
> think we would have always preferred to have the dynamic loader execute the
> .init_array entries in reverse, but we were trying to preserve the behavior
> that had always been observed with the old .init section (which, obviously,
> could not execute in reverse). I believe that was the original reason (or at
> least part of it) that GCC put ctors in a separate section rather than using
> .init or .init_array. Now that we're moving .ctors into .init_array, I think
> it's more important to preserve the old behavior of ctors rather than the old
> behavior of .init fragments.
> HJ, if I add this option to gold, would you add it to ld?
> If this is OK with everyone, we can then discuss whether or not the option
> should be on by default.

I think we should preserve the old behavior as much as we can,
by default. --reverse-init-array should be the default.  Thanks.

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