--- Comment #4 from Tobias Burnus <burnus at gcc dot> 2012-01-22 
17:45:27 UTC ---
(In reply to comment #0)
> Created attachment 26412
> taken from Damian Rouson's book , allocate seems to be the culprit
> Source if from Damian Rouson from Sandia National Laboratories
> It compiles properly with IBM xlf and Cray fortran compilers.
> apparently the allocate statement
>   Allocate ( localprdct, source = rhs)
> is the culprit

I have to admit that I could not find that allocate statement. Neither in your
attachment nor in the book's resources available at under "Resources available".

However, I think it is the example chapter08/puppeteer_f2003. Using today's
version of gfortran, it works. I can reproduce a segmentation fault using
gfortran 4.7 of 2012-01-11.

Could you try with a newer gfortran version? (We had some polymorphism-related
fixes on the 13th, 16th and 18th of January.)

 * * *

Otherwise, as far as I could see, all Fortran examples work except for
- those using a FINAL subroutine (not yet implemented)
- deferred-length strings as components of derived types (not yet implemented)
- chapter07/strategy_surrogate_f2003: Segfaults in
  (not yet debugged)
- chapter09: Fails at MOVE_ALLOC, see PR 51948
- chapter12/burgers_caf_v4: Issue with polymorphic coarrays, cf. PR 51947

[Disclaimer: That's with today's GCC 4.7 and with a patch applied for PR 51870
(alias PR48705) - I don't know whether it affects any result. In any case,
puppeteer_f2003 also works without that patch.]

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