--- Comment #3 from Andy Nelson <andy.nelson at lanl dot gov> 2011-12-06 
06:40:07 UTC ---
ok for priority modification. I don't know what the system is. This bug 'only'
breaks my code build, not any gcc build, so far as I know.

The code is trying to establish a storage area for a number of character
variable names which I can pass to C. Since C doesn't like character strings
have lengths greater than one, I have to turn the strings that I have 
into arrays of character(len=1). Then when I pass them into a bind(c) routine
it goes over the boundary correctly. At least it seems to on intel and pgi
where I've tried this previously. The 'transfer' intrinsic is the mechanism
I'm using to set values for the character array (of which I provided only
one example...the actual fsinfonames type has more members). If I don't use
transfer, I have to do something like this, which is rather ugly:

character(c_char) :: raidnum(lenname) = (/ 'r','a','i','d','n','u','m',.....  

Is this what you thought I was trying to do? Is what I am trying to do actually
legal (would tend to think so atm, since pgi and intel don't have similar
Can you recommend a better way to solve this problem, besides redefining the C
standard to accept 'scalar' character strings longer than one character? 



On Dec 5, 2011, at 11:26 PM, kargl at gcc dot wrote:

> kargl at gcc dot changed:
>           What    |Removed                     |Added
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 CC|                            |kargl at gcc dot
>           Severity|blocker                     |normal
> --- Comment #1 from kargl at gcc dot 2011-12-06 06:26:29 UTC ---
> Reset Importance field to normal.  This field is usual normal for
> fortran bugs.  The higher levels of importance are reserved for
> bugs that break the ability to build gcc.
> To avoid the word warp issue, you can also attach the
> code to the pr via the web interface.
> Can you explain what you think the code is doing, 
> because I believe that it may not be doing what
> you intend?
> -- 
> Configure bugmail:
> ------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
> You are on the CC list for the bug.
> You reported the bug.

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