Eric Weddington <eric.weddington at atmel dot com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |RESOLVED
                 CC|                            |eric.weddington at atmel
                   |                            |dot com
         Resolution|                            |WONTFIX

--- Comment #3 from Eric Weddington <eric.weddington at atmel dot com> 
2011-12-01 12:43:35 UTC ---
This issue should go away when address spaces are done for the avr target (in
future 4.7). The PROGMEM macro equates to a GCC attribute for that variable to
place that into the Flash (Program Memory). It is up to the user to know this
and to use the related macros in avr-libc to correctly retrieve the data from
Flash. The AVR is a Harvard architecture chip and until Address Spaces were
added to GCC it didn't have a good way of knowing these address spaces and able
to generate a warning.

I'm marking this bug as WONTFIX, but I suggest that the bug reporter add their
email address to the CC field of bug #49868 (address spaces on the avr).

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