Gerald Pfeifer <gerald at pfeifer dot com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |RESOLVED
                 CC|                            |gerald at pfeifer dot com
         Resolution|                            |WORKSFORME

--- Comment #3 from Gerald Pfeifer <gerald at pfeifer dot com> 2011-11-13 
02:09:06 UTC ---
Hmm, this has been working for me just fine (except for Ada) for the last
couple of years, in the context of that very usecase: installing several
instances of GCC into the same prefix.

Let's track the Ada issue in PR #51095 specifically, for apart from that
It Seems To Work[TM] for tens of thousands of users of FreeBSD who use my
ports, for example.  Please advise if I missed something!

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