nightstrike <nightstrike at gmail dot com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |nightstrike at gmail dot
                   |                            |com

--- Comment #3 from nightstrike <nightstrike at gmail dot com> 2011-10-18 
16:29:43 UTC ---
I have just now seen this problem for c and not fortran for GCC 4.1.2.  It
appears fixed in 4.6.0.  I searched the bug database, and found this:

It looks like the two bugs are related, although I can confirm that the bug
still exists for gfortran 4.6.0 using the test case provided in this PR:

$ cat > f.f90
program test
print "(a)", "hello world"
end program

$ gfortran -cpp -M f.f90 -MT aaa
f.o aaa: f.f90

So at the very least, can someone set the bug status to NEW (confirmed) and the
See Also to PR12448?

Also, when fixing this, whoever does so, be sure to not run into this snag:

That should be on the See Also, as well.

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