--- Comment #9 from tkoenig at netcologne dot de <tkoenig at netcologne dot de> 2011-10-10 18:57:09 UTC --- > implicit none > integer :: i > real :: A(5), B(5) > B(1) = 3.344 > A = [real :: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] > !$omp parallel default(shared) > !$omp workshare > A(:) = A(:)*cos(B(1))+A(:)*cos(B(1)) > !$omp end workshare nowait > !$omp end parallel ! sync is implied here > print *, A > end > > > Answer: With -O, one gets an ICE: The equivalent test case (inserting the BLOCK by hand) gets a very strange error, PR 50688 .