--- Comment #3 from Steve Kargl <sgk at troutmask dot> 
2011-09-28 19:45:48 UTC ---
On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 09:20:40AM +0000, zeccav at gmail dot com wrote:
> --- Comment #2 from Vittorio Zecca <zeccav at gmail dot com> 2011-09-28 
> 09:20:40 UTC ---
> I meant checking static expressions at compilation time, as in my example.
> This has no cost at run time.

I know want you meant.

> You proposed a run time check that still should be done if requested with a
> kind of -fcheck option.

I disagree.

> By the way, gfortran is already checking consistency of static arguments to
> intrinsic functions, it is that just these one are left unchecked.

Yes, I know.  I wrote some of the code.

Index: testsuite/gfortran.dg/ishft_3.f90
--- testsuite/gfortran.dg/ishft_3.f90    (revision 179208)
+++ testsuite/gfortran.dg/ishft_3.f90    (working copy)
@@ -1,11 +1,38 @@
 ! { dg-do compile }
+! PR fortran/50514
 program ishft_3
-  integer i, j
-  write(*,*) ishftc( 3, 2, 3 )
-  write(*,*) ishftc( 3, 2, i )
-  write(*,*) ishftc( 3, i, j )
-  write(*,*) ishftc( 3, 128 )     ! { dg-error "exceeds BIT_SIZE of first" }
-  write(*,*) ishftc( 3, 0, 128 )  ! { dg-error "exceeds BIT_SIZE of first" }
-  write(*,*) ishftc( 3, 0, 0 )    ! { dg-error "Invalid third argument" }
-  write(*,*) ishftc( 3, 3, 2 )    ! { dg-error "exceeds third argument" }
+   implicit none
+   integer j, m
+   m = 42
+   !
+   ! These should compile.
+   !
+   j = ishft(m, 16)
+   j = ishft(m, -16)
+   j = ishftc(m, 16)
+   j = ishftc(m, -16)
+   !
+   ! These should issue an error.
+   !
+   j = ishft(m, 640)    ! { dg-error "absolute value of SHIFT" }
+   j = ishftc(m, 640)   ! { dg-error "absolute value of SHIFT" }
+   j = ishft(m, -640)   ! { dg-error "absolute value of SHIFT" }
+   j = ishftc(m, -640)  ! { dg-error "absolute value of SHIFT" }
+   ! abs(SHIFT) must be <= SIZE
+   j = ishftc(m,  1, 2)
+   j = ishftc(m,  1, 2)
+   j = ishftc(m, -1, 2)
+   j = ishftc(m, -1, 2)
+   j = ishftc(m,  10, 2)! { dg-error "absolute value of SHIFT" }
+   j = ishftc(m,  10, 2)! { dg-error "absolute value of SHIFT" }
+   j = ishftc(m, -10, 2)! { dg-error "absolute value of SHIFT" }
+   j = ishftc(m, -10, 2)! { dg-error "absolute value of SHIFT" }
+   j = ishftc(m, 1, -2) ! { dg-error "must be positive" }
 end program

Index: fortran/check.c
--- fortran/check.c    (revision 179208)
+++ fortran/check.c    (working copy)
@@ -318,6 +318,22 @@ less_than_bitsize1 (const char *arg1, gf
       gfc_extract_int (expr2, &i2);
       i3 = gfc_validate_kind (BT_INTEGER, expr1->ts.kind, false);
+      /* For ISHFT[C], |shift| <= bit_size(i).  */
+      if (strncmp (arg2, "ISHFT", 5) == 0)
+    {
+      if (i2 < 0)
+        i2 = -i2;
+      if (i2 > gfc_integer_kinds[i3].bit_size)
+        {
+          gfc_error ("The absolute value of SHIFT at %L must be less "
+             "than or equal to BIT_SIZE('%s')",
+             &expr2->where, arg1);
+          return FAILURE;
+        }
+    }
       if (or_equal)
       if (i2 > gfc_integer_kinds[i3].bit_size)
@@ -1961,6 +1977,9 @@ gfc_check_ishft (gfc_expr *i, gfc_expr *
       || type_check (shift, 1, BT_INTEGER) == FAILURE)
     return FAILURE;

+  if (less_than_bitsize1 ("I", i, "ISHFT", shift, true) == FAILURE)
+    return FAILURE;
   return SUCCESS;

@@ -1972,7 +1991,35 @@ gfc_check_ishftc (gfc_expr *i, gfc_expr 
       || type_check (shift, 1, BT_INTEGER) == FAILURE)
     return FAILURE;

-  if (size != NULL && type_check (size, 2, BT_INTEGER) == FAILURE)
+  if (size != NULL) 
+    {
+      int i2, i3;
+      if (type_check (size, 2, BT_INTEGER) == FAILURE)
+    return FAILURE;
+      if (less_than_bitsize1 ("I", i, "SIZE", size, true) == FAILURE)
+    return FAILURE;
+      gfc_extract_int (size, &i3);
+      if (i3 <= 0)
+    {
+      gfc_error ("SIZE at %L must be positive", &size->where);
+      return FAILURE;
+    }
+      gfc_extract_int (shift, &i2);
+      if (i2 < 0)
+    i2 = -i2;
+      if (i2 > i3)
+    {
+      gfc_error ("The absolute value of SHIFT at %L must be less than "
+             "or equal to SIZE at %L", &shift->where, &size->where);
+      return FAILURE;
+    }
+    }
+  else if (less_than_bitsize1 ("I", i, "ISHFTC", shift, true) == FAILURE)
     return FAILURE;

   return SUCCESS;

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