--- Comment #5 from ro at CeBiTec dot Uni-Bielefeld.DE <ro at CeBiTec dot 
Uni-Bielefeld.DE> 2011-08-02 11:09:56 UTC ---
> --- Comment #4 from Hin-Tak Leung <htl10 at users dot> 
> 2011-08-02 11:03:23 UTC ---
>> Apart from that, why are you wasting your time with GCC 4.4 which I don't 
>> test
> any longer?  GCC 4.5 and 4.6 should be fine and have seen lots of bug fixes.
> 4.5 does not build correctly.

Please follow the directions I gave in that PR.  Start with a standard
configure; make setup, no bootstrap-lean4, no relative paths to the
source dir.  This works just fine for me, so instead of insisting on
trying untested paths, first determine if the regular one works.  Even
gcc 4.5 is old by now...


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