--- Comment #2 from julian gardner <joolzg at btinternet dot com> 2011-07-03 
21:06:07 UTC ---
(In reply to comment #1)
> Please add a complete self-contained test case.  (The given test case isn't.)
> Also please also indicate with which gcc options you compiled the test case.

Ive given the source and a preprocessed version of the complete file

compiled with
gcc -Wall -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wextra -g
-I/usr/src/kernel/linux-   -c -o file.o file.c

Problem is that adding removing code seems to make the problem

I do hope that this is enough, as it seems that the problem is in the 

   i_len2 = fread( ....)
   if( i_len2 < 188)

cant be a much simpler test case


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