--- Comment #11 from paul.richard.thomas at gmail dot com <paul.richard.thomas at gmail dot com> 2011-05-24 09:43:32 UTC --- Dear Thomas, > With your patch, what is the difference between GFC_CAN_REVERSE > and GFC_REVERSE_NOT_SET? Perhaps GFC_REVERSE_ENABLED and GFC_REVERSE_INHIBITED would be better. > > And why do you initialize loop.reverse close to line 6052 and > close to line 6070 of trans-expr.c? Is something in between > changing this? Pure cock-up, I think. Clearly we only need one instance of this. However, when I monitored the beviour of the code in dependency.c, I noticed that the reversing was disabled and so added the second block, whilst failing to notice the first. Either I screwed up or your last question is pertinent. I will look this afternoon. Many thanks Paul PS I will post the patch this afternoon.