--- Comment #23 from Tobias Burnus <burnus at gcc dot> 2011-01-22 
21:58:02 UTC ---
(In reply to comment #21)
> It is not resolved because we are waiting for an interpretation from the
> Fortran standards committee on whether the test case is valid or invalid
> Fortran.

Cf. comment 17: The J3 agreed that it is a bug in the standard and agreed on
the proposed change, which solves the ambiguity in the standard and allows such
namelists. The next step is to get passed a WG5 ballot. Finally, the change
will be released as Corrigendum 1 to Fortran 2008. While it could be still
rejected, the changes for a rejection are quite low. Thus, I went ahead and
implemented it. (cf. attachment 23080 of PR 47339).

Xavier: You do not have to wait for a new release, you could fetch the patch
and build GCC/gfortran your self. Alternatively, when the patch is committed,
you can get nightly builds. Both is described at

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