--- Comment #2 from Tobias Burnus <burnus at gcc dot> 2011-01-22 00:06:43 UTC --- In Fortran 2003 the constraint was: "C1103 (R1101) An automatic object shall not appear in the specification-part (R204) of a main program." "C1106 (R1104) An automatic object shall not appear in the specification-part of a module." In Fortran 2008 the same exists - but a bit more subtle: "C513 An automatic object shall not have the SAVE attribute." And "5.3.16 SAVE attribute" has: "A variable, common block, or procedure pointer declared in the scoping unit of a main program, module, or submodule implicitly has the SAVE attribute, which may be conrmed by explicit specification." Except for the less-helpful wording in case of character lengths ("must have constant character length in this context" [which context?]) the checks exist.For strings it seems to work, for arrays the call to is_non_constant_shape_array in resolve_fl_variable does not seem to work. The reason is: resolve_index_expr checks for: if (gfc_specification_expr (e) == FAILURE) return FAILURE; The problem is: We do have a specification expression, but not an initialization expression. We run -- again -- into the following issue in gfc_is_constant_expr: /* Specification functions are constant. */ /* F95,; F2003, 7.1.7 */ if (sym && sym->attr.function && sym->attr.pure && !sym->attr.intrinsic && !sym->attr.recursive && sym->attr.proc != PROC_INTERNAL && sym->attr.proc != PROC_ST_FUNCTION && sym->attr.proc != PROC_UNKNOWN && sym->formal == NULL) return 1; There are more bugs of this kind. Fortran 2008 defines: "7.1.11 Specication expression" * "specification expression is an expression with limitations that make it suitable for use in specications such as length type parameters (C404) and array bounds (R517, R518). [...]" * "A restricted expression is an expression in which each operation is intrinsic or dened by a specication function and [...]" "7.1.12 Constant expression" "A constant expression is an expression with limitations that make it suitable for use as a kind type parameter, initializer, or named constant. [...]" Fortran 2003 uses: "7.1.6 Specification expression" * "A specification expression is an expression with limitations that make it suitable for use in specifications such as length type parameters (C501) and array bounds (R512, R513)." * "A restricted expression is an expression in which each operation is intrinsic and [...]" "7.1.7 Initialization expression An initialization expression is an expression with limitations that make it suitable for use as a kind type parameter, initializer, or named constant." Fortran 95 used the terms: " Specification expression" "A specification expression is an expression with limitations that make it suitable for use in specifications such as character lengths (R510) and array bounds (R515, R516). A constant specification expression is a specification expression that is also a constant expression." "A restricted expression is an expression in which each operation is intrinsic and ..." " Constant expression" "A constant expression is an expression in which each operation is intrinsic and ..." "An initialization expression is a constant expression in which the exponentiation operation is permitted only with an integer power, and ..." Thus: /* Specification functions are constant. */ /* F95,; F2003, 7.1.7 */ Is nonsense. In the Fortran 2008 sense constant means that it can be simplified at compile time to a constant (a number, a string literal, ...). In the Fortran 2003 sense, that's an initialization expression ("constant expression" does not exist). While also in the Fortran 95 sense a "constant expression" is something where a number can be returned. That's given in while is about "specification expressions", "constant specification expressions" and "restricted expressions". * * * Thus, the proper change is to simply delete that invalid part. The only catch is: That will cause problems with sections of gfortran which call gfc_constant_expr but do not want to have a constant expression but a specification expression! There was some PR before: Namely PR 44962, cf.