--- Comment #3 from rwgk at yahoo dot com 2010-12-02 01:52:35 UTC ---
Thank you very much for the hint!
As a remark: I had a little bit of a battle with the gmp, mpfr, mpc
dependencies, in particular mpc since I couldn't figure out the "yum" command
to get it. Next I tried putting the three svn trees inside the gcc svn which
made configure work, but make bootstrap failed after a while because there was
a command that couldn't find mpfr.h. As a third attempt I installed the three
dependencies into /usr/local.
I wonder how many people go through a similar experience and just give up. I
figure adding matching gmp/mpfr/mpc sources to the gcc svn and using those
unconditionally could avoid such frustration, although I understand at an
additional maintenance burden for the gcc developers.

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