James Dennett <james.dennett at gmail dot com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |james.dennett at gmail dot
                   |                            |com

--- Comment #5 from James Dennett <james.dennett at gmail dot com> 2010-11-12 
04:10:16 UTC ---
Jason Merrill <> has given me a heavy hint leading to the
following smaller and much less ugly patch for cp/typeck.c that makes it more
symmetrical with the reference case.  This also passes my simple tests.

.../gcc/cp $ svn diff
Index: typeck.c
--- typeck.c    (revision 164712)
+++ typeck.c    (working copy)
@@ -5999,7 +5999,8 @@
       base = lookup_base (TREE_TYPE (type), TREE_TYPE (intype),
               c_cast_p ? ba_unique : ba_check,
-      return build_base_path (MINUS_EXPR, expr, base, /*nonnull=*/false);
+      expr = build_base_path (MINUS_EXPR, expr, base, /*nonnull=*/false);
+      return cp_fold_convert(type, expr);

   if ((TYPE_PTRMEM_P (type) && TYPE_PTRMEM_P (intype))

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