Ian Lance Taylor <ian at airs dot com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |ASSIGNED
   Last reconfirmed|2010-11-09 19:53:18         |2010.11.10 05:17:05
     Ever Confirmed|0                           |1

--- Comment #11 from Ian Lance Taylor <ian at airs dot com> 2010-11-10 05:17:05 
UTC ---
I agree that for _Z3fooIiPFidEiEvv we should use (*), and in fact we do use
(*), with or without the patch attached to this PR.  This PR is about a
different sort of symbol, _Z3fooIiFvdEiEvv, or, in the current,
_Z3fooIiFvdEiEvv.  The key difference here is that these symbols use F rather
than PF, which means that refer to a function type rather than a pointer to a
function type.  I'm not sure exactly what it means to instantiate a template
with a function type, but g++ does generate these sort of symbols.  I could
change the () to (*), but that would imply a pointer to a function type which
isn't what we have.

So my question for Ben is: should we change the expected demangling in to
be void foo<int, void (double), int>() or should we do something else.

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