--- Comment #30 from Hans-Werner Boschmann <boschmann at tp1 dot> 2010-10-26 15:27:27 UTC --- I've realized today, that the sample code is actually invalid. If you look at lines 488 and 681 in arguments.f03, you'll see: subroutine argument_initialize(this,arg_list,short,long,description,description_list,named_option) subroutine real_argument_initialize(this) These subroutines seem to have different interfaces, but when you have a closer look, you see that all dummy arguments are optional, except "this". Besides, both "this" dummy arguments are type compatible. Therefore these subroutines must not share a generic interface. But that is declared in line 133: generic::initialize=>argument_initialize,real_argument_initialize Could this ambiguity cause the confusion about symbols? I always have suspected this module to be the reason for the error, because I never got the error message before I wrote it. Furthermore, all error messages were somehow related to this module, even when they were generated for other modules. Nevertheless, gfortran should complain about the ambiguity. I will try to reduce the code to illustrate this point and open a new bug report.