Michael Matz <matz at gcc dot> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |jason at gcc dot,
                   |                            |jsm28 at gcc dot

--- Comment #7 from Michael Matz <matz at gcc dot> 2010-10-18 11:46:57 
UTC ---
Well, the problem is not only in expand.  As you say we start with this

  vv1 = vv2;

That is already a non-volatile statement on the gimple level.  Making the
whole vv1/vv2 object volatile at the top-level of course changes this
into a volatile statement:

  vv1 ={v} vv2;

The problem with this is that at the gimple level the volatility is not
represented, and hence could already result in invalid transformations.
This extends into expand, so in a way the wrong MEM expressions are
a result of that.

Assuming we'd extend expand to expand such block moves, where parts of the
block are volatile into a series of volatile accesses, we could fix the bug
at hand.  That would still leave the problem of non-volatility on the gimple

This all points to a deeper problem IMO, one we need to decide how to solve
before tackling the details of this bug, namely: how are non-volatile objects
containing volatile subobjects handled?  I don't know if the language
standard says anything about this.

We have several possibilities:
1) make all objects containing volatile subobjects volatile itself
2) make instructions touching such objects volatile
3) make instructions touching the volatile components volatile

The first has the problem that volatile objects with aggregate type
implicitely contain only volatile subobjects, that is for such object:
  struct {int a; volatile int b;} half_volatile;
with solution (1) this would be equivalent to
  volatile struct {int a; volatile int b;} half_volatile;
and hence halt_volatile.a would be volatile too, probably unlike the author

The other two solutions are more work, especially because the half-volatility
wouldn't be reflected in the objects type.

Independend of what we decide for the middle-end, I'd like to hear the opinion
of the C frontend people about this issue.

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